Thursday, March 12, 2015

Don't Take Things Personally

I needed a reminder lately, which my husband gave me and I am so grateful - and that is "don't take things personally Whatever happens around you, don’t take it personally."

Nothing other people do is because of us. It is because of themselves. All people live in their own world, in their own mind. When we take something personally, we make the assumption that they know what is in our world. I am the first to admit that I make that assumption, especially when it comes to those that I care about. Not taking things personally is easier said than done

I’m certainly not there yet. I am sensitive and vulnerable to the opinions and actions of others. And I am well aware that I CAN’T control the opinions and actions of the people that I’ll run into during the day.

"Don't take things personally!" You can open your heart completely and no one can hurt you. You can love others without fear of being ignored. You can ask for what you need and don't worry about being rejected. That's easier said than done, but I'm committed to making a habit of not taking anything personally. That way I won’t need to place my trust in what others do or say. I will only need to trust myself to make responsible choices. I am never responsible for the actions of others. There is a huge amount of freedom that comes to us when we take nothing personally. 

Sunday, February 01, 2015

That’s not how this works

Sometimes we put our best foot forward and still we do not get the results we hope to see.  Sometimes it doesn’t all go to plan, right? It may be hard to accept common myths we have heard through repetition are in fact just that- myths.  Wasn’t it easier to accept that eating less means less fat storage?  It’s just math right?  WRONG!  That is not how this works…. That is not how any of this works. Let’s set the record straight.  It is about getting enough fat, not low fat, and a measured amount of fruit in season- not unlimited, and low calorie means low energy.

Calm down.  It is still true in weight loss that you can cast a wide net and meet the large percentage of the needs of people.  The differences are minor, compared to the similarities.  Eat healthy…Get exercise….and make sure you are getting plenty of sleep.  Steady weight loss of 2.5 pounds per week leads to realistic goals and success.  However, just as common is seeing a weight loss plateau or seeing weight stabilize before we have met our goal? Change things up.

Quick Tips:

You are unique and the triggers to your weight loss and gain are based on you and…

                YOUR response to your environment- both internal and external.
                YOUR genes have something to do with you fitting into YOUR jeans!

YOUR response to the foods you eat and in what combination.

1) Just like we used to believe cardio was the solution to weight loss, we were wrong.   Now we know that “chug….chug…. chug…” on the treadmill is nowhere near as beneficial as timed sprints for short burst of high intensity work.  Follow those burst with a calculated amount of rest and you have a winning combination for fat loss.  Both plans work, however sprints change things up and accelerate your results.  Faster results produce increased feelings of reward and are followed by motivation.

2) Genetic “switches” can be flipped off as we age.  As a consequence we see an increase in waistlines and chronic disease risk factors that do not response to methods for healthy weight and energy like we did before the age of 30.  By the age of 45 this enzyme is far more sluggish and may have sent the message to your body there is “no hope”.   If you have suffered with weight challenges in youth, then this enzyme is not as functional potentially due to being over-fed and undernourished.  Antioxidants like trans-resveratrol, Chlorogenic Acid and certain botanicals can re-activate enzymes responsible for youthful vitality.

3) Stop thinking about the fat and calorie content of foods you eat. Start thinking about eating food in its natural state, ensuring its nutrient density by eating local, when possible.  More fat, protein and fiber will help you not just whittle your waist, but will help you sustain energy for your workouts (including sprints).

4) Exercise less, not more.  20 minutes of clear and focused movements will out do a mindless 40 minutes.  You can increase fat loss and improve longevity by focusing on functional movements and core efforts.  Functional training can be done either at home, or in a gym.  I recommend getting a qualified trainer to help you put a program together based on your conditioning goals.

5) Make sure you take stock in how you are feeling and how well you are sleeping.  Restorative sleep may be the most important step you are missing.  Amino acids like Tryptophan and minerals like magnesium can assist your body into better sleep and balance of neurotransmitters for better mood, energy and mental focus.

You might practice each step above, or only a choice few.   Your results will be in line with your commitment.  Small steps lead to big changes.  Start taking steps today toward better health and better fitness.

(Article by Dr Deedra Mason, Director of Clinical Education and Research at Market America)

Friday, January 30, 2015

Create Your Wellness Plan

Imagine you’re living your ideal life, where your health is a 10/10, your physique, weight, body mass, muscle mass, energy and fitness level is a 10/10, and your lifestyle is a 10/10 as well, what would it look like? I'd like to encourage you to create your wellness plan based on that vision, and set practical short and medium term goals to get you moving toward your long-term health, total wellness and weight goals. The key is to create foundational, positive, and sustainable change, not quick fix.

You can do that by writing down on a piece of paper, type on your notepad or word document what key milestones, whether it's body fat % or weight loss, behavior modifications, nutrition, or fitness, do you wish to change? These will be the goals that YOU set for YOURSELF. Then, based on YOUR goals, set YOUR OWN action steps towards healthy living plan.

Also it's important to know your body. Many people are only concerned about measuring their weight and/or count calories. You need to also find out your body fat percentage, visceral fat (fat that we can't see that surrounds vital organs), bone mass, water percentage, muscle mass, physique rating, even metabolic age to get the most accurate representations of your body.

I’m excited to officially launch my lifestyle coaching career specializing in helping people with their weight and wellness goals. And today is day 1 of the 14-Day Wellness & Weight Management Challenge where more than 30 participants through my facebook page start the journey of improving their health to reach their wellness and weight goals in January 2015, and beyond.

Create Your Wellness Plan For The Next 14 Days
Step #1: For the next few minutes, imagine you’re living your ideal life, where your health is a 10/10, your physique, weight, body mass, muscle mass, energy and fitness level is a 10/10, and your lifestyle is a 10/10 as well.
Step #2: Set practical goals for these 14 days, to get you moving toward your long-term health goals. This 14-Day Challenge is meant to get you started toward your wellness and weight goals. The keyword is ‘start’, and we’re aiming to create foundational, positive, and sustainable change, not quick fix.
Step #3: Write down on a piece of paper, or type on your notepad / word document what key milestones, whether it’s body fat % / weight loss, behavior modifications, nutrition, energy level or fitness, do you wish to change? These will be the goals that YOU set for YOURSELF. Then, based on YOUR goals, set YOUR OWN action steps towards healthy living plan from 12 Jan to 26 Jan. So what would they be? Comment below – there is power in sharing and peer support.
It’s important to know your body. Many people only concern about measuring their weight and/or count calories. You need to also find out your body fat percentage, visceral fat (fat that we can’t see that surrounds vital organs), bone mass, water percentage, muscle mass, physique rating, even metabolic age to get the most accurate representations of your body. You can get the measurements for these by using a “Tanita Scale”.
What is your health goals for the next 14 days? What are your action steps for success? What does your 14-Day wellness and healthy living plan look like? Share them with everyone here. :)

1 Comment

  • Kitty
    January 11, 2015
    I’m so excited to facilitate and also participate in this challenge, will keep you posted on my progress through this blog and the facebook event page.

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- See more at:
I’m excited to officially launch my lifestyle coaching career specializing in helping people with their weight and wellness goals. And today is day 1 of the 14-Day Wellness & Weight Management Challenge where more than 30 participants through my facebook page start the journey of improving their health to reach their wellness and weight goals in January 2015, and beyond.

Create Your Wellness Plan For The Next 14 Days
Step #1: For the next few minutes, imagine you’re living your ideal life, where your health is a 10/10, your physique, weight, body mass, muscle mass, energy and fitness level is a 10/10, and your lifestyle is a 10/10 as well.
Step #2: Set practical goals for these 14 days, to get you moving toward your long-term health goals. This 14-Day Challenge is meant to get you started toward your wellness and weight goals. The keyword is ‘start’, and we’re aiming to create foundational, positive, and sustainable change, not quick fix.
Step #3: Write down on a piece of paper, or type on your notepad / word document what key milestones, whether it’s body fat % / weight loss, behavior modifications, nutrition, energy level or fitness, do you wish to change? These will be the goals that YOU set for YOURSELF. Then, based on YOUR goals, set YOUR OWN action steps towards healthy living plan from 12 Jan to 26 Jan. So what would they be? Comment below – there is power in sharing and peer support.
It’s important to know your body. Many people only concern about measuring their weight and/or count calories. You need to also find out your body fat percentage, visceral fat (fat that we can’t see that surrounds vital organs), bone mass, water percentage, muscle mass, physique rating, even metabolic age to get the most accurate representations of your body. You can get the measurements for these by using a “Tanita Scale”.
What is your health goals for the next 14 days? What are your action steps for success? What does your 14-Day wellness and healthy living plan look like? Share them with everyone here. :)

1 Comment

  • Kitty
    January 11, 2015
    I’m so excited to facilitate and also participate in this challenge, will keep you posted on my progress through this blog and the facebook event page.

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