I have been skim reading many books lately for my tutorial paper and major essay for my studies (in fact I just spent the whole night doing that). Started to ask myself, am I reading for the sake of the assignments and gaining knowledge, or am I reading to know Christ Jesus my Lord, so that I can see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, and follow Him more nearly, and really practising what I read??
Ecc 12:12 “Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.”
1Co 8:1 “We know that we all possess knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love builds up.”
“…..but love builds up.” I reckon if the motive of seeking knowledge is love, then knowledge will bring healing and harmony. Reading then is not just a logical activity, it’s also a discipline of godliness. Study is the challenge of the beginning of knowledge, it’s also the opportunity to serve the Lord and people.
I feel that this season (especially after Easter) takes me away from contacts with people. I have been mostly working alone in the office or at home (or in the library for that matter) rather than spending time with people (well I have been away from contacts with people on the blogosphere too). I am an extrovert, and constant time away from people makes me restless, and yet I need to be away from people to do the things I am involved in. I feel that people are so important, and spending time together is where meaningful interaction and connection take place.
One thing that I find challenging is that I am experiencing an inward change of heart and paradigm shift in various contexts, which is not often easy, but I think is important for me to know God, myself, the people around me, and in fact the world better. I really need the wisdom to recognise God's fingerprints in my life, and also know what He's doing around me, and get involved in those things He wants me to (isn't that the meaning of mission - to follow Jesus' footstep?).
Day by day, dear Lord, of you three things I pray - to see you more clearly, to love you more dearly, to follow you more nearly, day by day!
I identify myself with peregrine (a person tending to travel; they are nomadic, mobile, wandering and roving), and sojo (sojourner), one who is a temporary resident in a place. Here I share the journey of my inner and outer life, with a focus on my ethos "be transformed by the renewing of your mind"
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Day By Day
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The Lord knows your heart's cry. May He bless you with His presence and wisdom.
May He light your path and shine His light through you to reach His lost sheep. The harvest is ripe, the laborers few.
God bless.
Thanks Rulan.Your prayer and encouragement is much appreciated!
Dear Dear Kitty
You're back!
Great! Superb!
I'm so happy for you.
We had missed you :)
Awwww Audrey, you are soooo sweet and lovely! Hahaha I am very happy and glad that I am back too! I have missed blogging a lot. :)
Awwwww Kitty!
You're sooooo sweet and lovely too :)
Try to sleep earlier tonight, ok?
You were still awake at 3 plus am your time.
I read it from KC's blog =P
Take care.
Yes I've been trying to write this essay all night last night, and it's really quite challenging!....plus I spent quite a bit of time catching up on blog writing and reading hehe :)
Studying is very useful.
Matthew, I am sure you find studying useful, or else you wouldn't be a PHD student now right? I wonder how you interpret or think about Ecc 12:12 though.
Hi Kitty, I was wondering what happened to you! I also thought you'd be interested to know that the discussion on my blog topic about missions has become big (too big for me I think). I'd be interested in your thoughts on some of the things that have been added to the discussion (a lot more after your comment). It might be worth having a look at Ken's (see the comments for the link) site and seeing what his view on this is and my comments. I think you could have some interesting things to say!
Good to hear from you Amanda. I would surely come to your site and have some time of fellowship and discussion soon :)
Study can certainly be a weariness of flesh.
There are lots of people who spend their lives seeking knowledge, and they are pretty miserable and pretty confused.
2 Timothy 3:7
'Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.'
Every Blessing in Christ
Matthew, so how do you come to the conclusion that studying is very useful, and how do you propose that people don't go into the trap of learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth? That can really be a danger for many people you know.
Always remember that God knows everything that your thinking and doing. He knows your future and likes. Lean on Him when you have questions. He will never let you down.
By walking in the Spirit and keeping up habits of regular prayer and Bible study.
God Bless
PJ, thanks for the reminder and encouragement. I do need to lean on Him.
Matthew, great advice! :) God Bless to you too.
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