Tuesday, August 29, 2006


When talking about giving, many speakers refer to Malachi chapter 3, where God promises blessings on those who bring the tithes into God’s storehouse. Giving is an expression of grace and love, and it brings glory to God. But as Amy Carmichael, "you can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving." Do you agree?


audrey` said...

My daughter just talked about this topic recently. Very interesting :)

When we love someone, we would like to surprise the person frequently with something that he/she likes. We would like to share our joy too. We would like to see the twinkle in the person's eyes :)

Did you realise that there are some people who just take and take without giving? We're not expecting anything in return when we give. But it makes us ponder why some people are much more generous.

Matthew Celestine said...

I think we often make th emistake of defining love as an emotional attatchment. I think love is rather appropriate conduct toward the other party within a relationship.

Our love to God consists of obediance. We love God by keeping His commandments.

Every Blessing in Christ


Kitty Cheng said...

yes Audrey, generosity is certainly a God given gift. I pray that I can truly learn to not expect anything in return when I give.

Kitty Cheng said...

Matthew, I guess love can be multi-faceted, but 1 Cor 13 gives us the best definitions. Love is certainly not only an emotion, but a commitment and decision.

I agree that our Love to God is obeying Him and keeping His commandments.

An Ordinary Christian said...

Hi Kitty! I like the example that Jesus gave about the widow who gave more to the temple with her two mites. God sees the extent of what we give. It isn't cold hard cash so much as ourselves to God. There is a lot of meaning in what I am saying, but I don't think I can adequately convey it. You ask great thought provoking questions! God bless you.

Unknown said...

Notice the Church in Acts, in which everyone shared what they had, "and there was no need among them." People were offering all that they had, not because it was the price of admission, but because of their love for each other.

Kitty Cheng said...

Hi Andrea! Good to hear from you. Yes the widow set a great example of giving for us didn't she? God looks at the heart, not the outward actions only! Blessings!

Kitty Cheng said...

Hi Dorsey,that's so true! Love is so important in giving. I always admire the Church in Acts, how everyone was willing to give what they had....great stuff!