Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Master Potter & Clay

Potter & Clay Posted by Picasa

During the CLiMAT this Saturday, I'll be facilitating a discussion about the analogy of the potter and clay based on Jill Austin's book "Master Potter". Jill Austin, a famous potter, takes a familiar image of hers and creates an analogy that helps us to reach a deeper level in our walk with God. Jill has lived a life full of crises, first with an abusive alcoholic father, then as an 'entertainer' in a local establishment. After being accused of theft, she was tossed into Potter's Field, the garbage dump. On the edge of suicide, she cried out for help to 'Master Potter', a person she remembered hearing about from her grandmother. One victory for Heaven, but the battle has only just begun. Master Potter took her home and re-named her Beloved. She was then taken through many stages of learning how to trust, obey, and have faith even when she felt alone, tired, or bored. These stages were the darkest hours of agony and grief, painful and challening, but she came out of them like the diamond whose colours were formed by hot fires.

Jeremiah 18:6 “As the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in my hand…”

As Christians, our faith needs to be stretched and grown, and through it all, we are able to see that God is always present, though not always visible. The analogy of the Master Potter helped me to see my faith in a new and different light. The concept of a potter and clay being translated into the steps God goes through in molding us is really inspiring. What do you think?


Kc said...

I feel such an idiot for struggling so hard against being formed into the image of my Lord. I want easy street and smooth sailing and that would only leave me a wet and shapeless lump. I need the fire of the trials to harden me and help me retain His shape. ;-)

Gary Wood said...

Good post. The next blog that I read has a similar theme.
I do enjoy learning and being reminded about the ways of our Lord. Thank you.

audrey` said...

I miss YOU too, dear sis!
HeHe! <3

Kitty Cheng said...

Kc, I also want easy street and smooth sailing, but I think only with the fire of the trails in life we can trully be transformed into our Lord's image.

Kitty Cheng said...

Gary, it's true that the ways of our Lord is the way to be isn't it? Afterall, He is the way, the truth and the life...good to see you Gary.

Kitty Cheng said...

Love ya Audrey!