Thursday, September 30, 2010

Day 30 Challenge - The Disciplines Of The Heart

Today is Day 30, and we’re finally here, in the last day of my 30 Day Challenge to live a better and richer life! It has been quite a month!!!

September has certainly been CHALLENGING for me personally. Here I am - a work in progress - going through an ongoing process of transformation. During these past 30 days, as you can see through my blog posts that I had gone through quite a lot of soul searching.

I have been really striving to achieve my goals in different areas of my external life. My life has to do with being well managed and goal oriented and productive, and we all want that one way or another. However, I know that deep within, the exterior is easier than the interior. Many times it's not so much about achieving external goals, but having that peace, joy and happiness within despite circmstances, and the inner peace to handle the stress of the external stuff is truly the heart of the matter. I'm challenged today to focus on the the disciplines of the heart as the foundation of the future. While today is the last day of the 30 day challenge, it’s not the end. In fact, its just the beginning.
My desire is to live a meaningful, fulfilled, siginificant, purposeful and balanced life, and I think that for us all to have a better and richer life, it's important to count our blessings, be thankful and content in whatever circumstances we find ourselves.

I would like to sincerely thank you for being a part of this journey with me during the last 30 days. Whether you have been reading my blog and commenting actively or passively, your love has been felt deeply and I appreciate each of my reader.

There are 3 months left before 2010 ends, I am trusting that the last 3 months will be the best months yet. How about you?

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 29 Challenge - Move Ahead With Bold Faith

In more than one ways, I am in transition right now. There comes a point when I simply must "go for it." This is a point beyond commitment, a point past making a firm decision to move forward. At this juncture, it feels like taking a bold step of faith is more challenging than ever!

Hence my challenge today (the second last day of this 30-day Challenge of a better and richer life) is to move ahead with bold faith. I am committing to putting action to my faith, and believing that I am walking into a place of destiny where I have never been before. I am going to another level, and to get there, I am required to develop and exercise greater faith than ever before. We usually think of faith as abstract, something we cannot see, but I am challenged today to remove these thoughts and develop a new mindset toward faith. 

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 28 Challenge - Passing The Baton

My action point for today's challenge is to pass the baton - "We teach what we know, but we reproduce who we are".

I am committed to passing the great and godly values to new generation who all have the potential to make a difference.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 27 Challenge - Living Above The Line

Today the task I set for myself as Day 27 Challenge is to live above the lineLife's challenges come at us from all angles. Our responsibility is our ability to respond. No matter how we choose to respond, our choices come from one of two places: above the line or below the line.

As a foundation for communication and personal interaction, the key to living above the line is ownership and it's about taking responsibility for one's actions. Those who live above the line and take responsibility for their actions have greater control - and therefore greater personal and financial success - because they take ownership for their current situation. They take responsibility of their education, of their relationships, and of their attitudes, affecting all areas of their lives and in the process improving their self confidence.

Living below the line is about laying blame, justifying, denying, having excuses and quitting when things get difficult, none of which contribute to building self confidence or achieving success. When people choose to come from below the line, their lives become circumstance-driven, and they have little or no control over our personal responsibilities. 

I'm committed to nurturing this powerful life skill of Living Above the Line. How about you?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Day 26 Challenge - Meditation

Do you spend quiet time regularly to practice meditation? In the beginning of 2010, I have set meditation / reflection / contemplation as one of my goals to improve my spiritual life. I have to say that although I do write on my journal now and then, I have not been disciplined in following a regular schedule.

Today as I visited a community that had just started 40 days prayer & fasting, I was reminded of the importance of meditation. Therefore, I set myself on day 26 of September the challenge to practice meditation in my daily routine, trusting that it will bring me increased clarity of my purpose in life.

I am going to use one of the methods that I learned a few years ago, which is an ancient practice - it's called Examen of Consciousness (sometimes just called Examen), and it was developed by St. Ignatious Loyola. The Daily Examen is a technique of reflection on the events of the day in order to discern our life's direction and see God's hand at work in our whole experience.
The Examen has 5 main steps:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Day 25 Challenge - Begin With The End In Mind & RPA

While reading the notes I took at the life and financial education seminar that I attended last week, I was reminded of the important concept and one of the 7 habits of highly effective people, and that is: Begin with the end in mind! And this is my action point for day 25 challenge.

One question many people ask is, "How do I turn my dreams, my goals, my desires into reality?" Successful people are clear about the final result they are after. They have accessed the power of why; they have a burning desire to achieve their result and it is tied to a clear specific goal.

Creating the action plan is simple when these elements are put together. This challenge saw me developing a results-focused, purpose-driven, action-oriented (RPA) plan for my day, week, month, and for the projects I am involved with. 

Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 24 Challenge - Let's Go! Inspired To Inspire

A friend of mine Eric Agyeman has recently launched his book "Let's Go!" (Chase Your Dreams). Eric encourages the readers to let go of their fears and reach their dreams! The book really resonates with me, and I am so glad to have the opportunity to journey with Eric in promoting his book.

Today is the start of the last week of the 30 day. The task I set for myself on Day 24 of the 30-day Challenge in September is from the 12th chapter of Let's Go! - Inspired to inspire. 

Eric challenges us to chase our dreams, as well as to help people fulfil their dreams. Dreamers are people who have been blessed and they then become a blessing onto others. Dreamers are people who are inspired and they then inspire others. When our words and actions help others to fulfil their dreams, we are blessed to be a blessing.

As Albert Pine said, "what we do for ourselves dies with us. What we do for others and the world remains and is immortal." Our lives are only fulfilled when we make a difference and contribute to others' lives.

As I am inspired to inspire, the followings are some of my action points:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 23 Challenge - Cultivating A Stress-Reducing Relationship

While managing stress is primarily a personal responsibility. In a relationship or marriage we can use our shared resources and efforts to help manage and absorb the worst effects.

On this 23rd day of September,  the action point for the 30-Day Challenge is for me to commit to cultivating a stress-reducing relationship. As I've been going through changes, transition and a new season lately, I realised that D is really great at helping me reduce stress, and I am so thankful for that!

The followings are some of the considerations that I believe will help deal with stress and change, as l cultivate a stress-reducing relationship:

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day 22 Challenge - Centering & Living The Contemplative Life

On a facebook discussion, a person that I really respect shared that he had been trying a centering prayer method and it has helped him a lot in terms of listening, focusing and awakening spiritual attentiveness. It's believed that awakening is about something that is inside of us, that is already there.

Therefore today I have made a decision to learn the practice of centering prayer & living the contemplative life

"Do you not believe that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? I am not myself the Source of the words I speak to you: It is the Father who dwells in me doing his own work. Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father in me; or else accept the evidence of the deeds themselves. In very truth I tell you, whoever has faith in me will do what I am doing, indeed he will do greater things still because I am going to the Father. Anything you ask in my name I will do, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son." (John 14: 10)

The advice is: resist no thought, retain no thought, react emotionally to no thought, and when you notice you are thinking about some thought, return ever so gently to the sacred word (eg: silence, solitude, service). 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Day 21 Challenge - Free Of Worry

I think free of worry is a worthy goal! The scriptures say:

"Do not worry about your life..." says Matthew 6:25
"Do not worry about anything..." says Philippians 4:6
"Why do you worry?" says Matthew 6:28

Are you aware that our living is actually between our ears? I must admit I get momentarily anxious over finances, relationships, business and ministry etc. But to be free of worry, I need to be committed to the disciplines of my heart. Albert Day writes, "because of the possessiveness of the ego, the practice of generosity is very significant". Give, and it will be given to you. The principle of sowing and reaping is essentially the law of attraction: whatever you give, you will receive.

Today I am committed to be free of worry.

I want to concentrate on the real world. You know what? The real world is our inner life. If we open our eyes - to rest in our inner life and enjoy it, I believe we will become more truly human and sensitive and alive, and hence worry free!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 20 Challenge - An Attitude Of Gratitude

Scientists are finding that an attitude of gratitude is a powerful contributor to a happy life. Some believe that it may be the single most effective way to increase happiness.  Sometimes, it can be easy for us to think about what's going wrong, the money that's not there, the stress, or the worry.

The action point I've given myself today as Day 20 Challenge is to continuously develop & nurture an attitude of gratitude. 

"Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation." ~Brain Tracy

The followings are some of the gratitude exercises that I am committed to doing regularly:

1. Name 5 things I am grateful for every day.
2. Keep a gratitude journal to write about the good things that happened to me.
3. Express my gratitude to people who have helped me.
4. Take a gratitude walk - set aside time while I go for a walk to focus on deepening my gratitude.
5. Make a gratitude list - my goal is to list 100 things.

Below is part of my gratitude list....I'm sooo grateful for:
  • The opportunities for personal and community development in my life, work and business.
  • The current projects I'm working on and how they have the potential to transform lives.
  • My husband, family and the supportive friends in my life.
  • The internet, social media, and technology that allows me to connect with many people.
  • Divine guidance and wisdom.
Life is beautiful and I'm so grateful for it! How about you? What are you grateful for in this very moment? I'd love to hear from you, so please share a few things you're grateful for in the comment box below. And make sure to FB this post so we can keep the gratitude train going!

    Sunday, September 19, 2010

    Day 19 Challenge - Decluttering

    “Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.” -William Morris

    After a busy weekend, I came home realising that I have quite a lot of things lying around that are taking up space but has no real purpose, or that I hardly ever use.
    I believe that our environment has a considerable impact on us – our state, our level of productivity, our frame of mind. Every time I clear clutter in my house / room / computer, it always brings in new ideas and clarity.
    Today I've given myself the action task of starting to sweep out and clearing the clutter in my life and space, including the following areas:
    Computer - organise my files and folders, clear out documents I haven't been using, declutter the items on my desktop, and uninstall applications I barely ever use.
    Desk - clear away unused papers & rubbish, organise items and store things that I don't have an immediate need now.
    Warbrobe & Rooms - get rid of old clothes I don't wear, and throw out the things I rarely use.
    Outdated Stuff - throw away old calendars, newspapers, old textbooks, documents and anything I'm not going to use etc.
    “We don’t need to increase our goods nearly as much as we need to scale down our wants. Not wanting something is as good as possessing it.” - Donald Horban

    Saturday, September 18, 2010

    Day 18 Challenge - Improving My Emotional Intelligence

    Today I've committed to the challenge of improving my emotional intelligence (EI). For those of you who are not aware, emotional intelligence (also known as emotional quotient - 'EQ') is the ability to consciously respond to a situation rather than react under the influence of our emotions at that time.

    I first heard about EQ / EI when I started my internet business a couple of years ago, where my business mentor shared with me the concept. I was told that every emotion we feel has a very specific physiology (posture, breathing, facial expressions and patterns of movement) connected to it. And the physiology has the ability to perceive emotion, integrate emotion to facilitate thought, understand emotions and to regulate emotions to promote personal growth.

    According to Jamie McIntyre, Co-Founder of 21st Century Education, if we are going to be emotionally intelligent, rather than reacting unconsciously, we must make a conscious decision on how we will respond to any given situation. We cannot control what happens out there in the environment around us, but we can control how we respond to the environment, and what happens inside of us.

    Friday, September 17, 2010

    Day 17 Challenge - Letting Go & Letting God

    We humans are strange being. We have a tendency to want to 'hang on' to everything. I still have heaps of old books, old clothes, old notes, even old emails that I will probably never read again.

    I was challenged today to "let go and let God". Last night, something happened and I realised that I had got involved in a particular situation that I shouldn't have, as I got this uneasiness when I sensed I couldn't handle the situation.

    Have you ever noticed God has a way of reaching His people, and we don't necessarily have to get in the way? I believe that letting go and letting God rule in ALL parts of my life is an important and valuable lesson,  even this thing called the internet.

    Thursday, September 16, 2010

    Day 16 Challenge - Exercise: Key To A Healthier Life

    Aerobics in front of a screen :)
    I was reminded today that we hold the power to determine our health through the food we eat and also through the exercise we do. Everyone wants to be healthy, but in order to have vital health we need to find out how to get (and stay) healthy through nutrition, food, exercise, diet and learn about better ways to take care of ourselves, from the inside out.

    “The glory of young people is their strength.” ~ Proverbs 20:29

    Wednesday, September 15, 2010

    Day 15 Challenge - Money Management

    ‎Coco Chanel said, "There are people who have money and people who are rich."

    Is having money and being rich one of the same thing? Or are they totally different?

    In my previous post "Creating An Action Point", I shared that I want to be a rich woman - rich in spirit, rich in relationships, rich and healthy life experiences, rich mindset supported by financial literacy.

    Tuesday, September 14, 2010

    Day 14 Challenge - Taking Time Out

    Like a lot of people I know, I have a tendency to rush, (think St Vitus' Dance). I believe that if we keep rushing, we tend to live on the surface instead of going underneath and deep! Having reflected on that fact, today I challenge myself to take some time out regularly to just rest, sit and be still, and to do things that are relaxing.

    “We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep.”
    ~Earl Nightingale

    After some brainstorming, the followings are a list of the things I will take time out to start doing on a regular basis:

    * nice relaxing dinner
    * go to movies
    * take photos
    * write and read
    * look at the sunset
    * smell the flowers
    * listen to music and sing songs
    * walk along the beach & parks
    * observe people :)

    Will you join me in taking time out regularly to relax and regroup?

    Monday, September 13, 2010

    Day 13 Challenge - Reassess & Recommit To Our Marriage

    This week (September 12-18) is Marriage Week in Australia, and it is a great opportunity for married couples to reassess and recommit to marriage. A time to see that marriage is an important relational institution that makes two people one entity - a great team. So, today D & I have decided to do something special for our marriage, as the task for Day 13 Challenge - Reassess & Recommit To Our Marriage!

    "Just as two different threads woven in opposite directions can form a beautiful tapestry, so can two lives merge together to form a beautiful marriage."

    We took some time out to reassess & recommit to our marriage. The following is a summary of our reflection.

    (1) Communication

    We felt that we need to communicate more effectively, based on our personality & expectations. We identified stumbling blocks to effective communication, including insufficient time, failing to share our feelings & failing to understand and listen to each other.

    We've committed to set aside time that is good for both of us for meaningful conversations, recognise when to drop everything and listen, beware of talking only about the day-to-day nuts and bolts of life and communicate about thoughts and feelings, and to make time together to connect with each other, plan for date-night, catch-up time & holidays.

    (2) Resolving Conflict

    Even though we rarely have conflict or arguments, we are aware that we are very different. Anger & frustrations are inevitable at times, and we need to accept our differences by making adjustments, not expecting to change each other, seeking to complement each other, looking for each other's strengths, and support each other's weaknesses.

    When conflict arises, we've committed to looking for a solution together rather than attack, surrender or bargain. We want to take whatever issue that is causing conflict from between us and put it in front of us so we can work on it together, express our views in turn and decide on the best solution for our relationship and see if it works (come back to the subject for review if necessary).

    (3) Keeping Love Alive

    We realised that we don't have enough fun & recreation times together. In order to keep love alive, it's important to develop our friendship. We need to find a list of activities we enjoy doing together, and to make sure we are still doing these things 5, 10, 20 years into our marriage.

    We've committed to continue learning to recognise how each of us feels loved, and we re-visited Gary Chapman's excellent book "The Five Love Languages" (loving words, quality time, thoughtful presents, physical affection, kind actions). We've written down 6 specific occasions on which we have particularly known each other's love, and we both felt that was an excellent exercise. :)

    "We Love Because God first loved us" ~ 1 John 4:19

    Sunday, September 12, 2010

    Day 12 Challenge - Seek To Be Understood

    In yesterday's post, I shared about my commitment and challenge to "Seek First To Understand", and today my focus is "To Be Understood". Knowing how to be understood is the other half of this important habit, and is crucial in the principle of empathic communication, and in interdependent situations.

    "Seeking to understand requires consideration; seeking to be understood requires courage" ~ Stephen Covey

    In seeking to be understood, it's important for us to share our hearts and present our ideas clearly, specifically and contextually - in a context of a deep understanding of people's paradigms, concerns and perspectives. Don't just get hung up on your 'own thinking'. What you present may even be different from what you had originally thought because in your effort to 'seek first to understand', you learned and grew!

    I believe this habit is something we can all practice straight away. Next time you communicate with someone, you can put aside your own autobiography (as Covey puts it) and sincerely seek first to understand, then to be understood. Show understanding and respect, be discerning, sensitive, and aware as we share our different perceptions of certain ideas and situations.

    I've just seeked to be understood through this post. How about you share a bit about yourself so I can understand you more?

    Saturday, September 11, 2010

    Day 11 Challenge - Seek First To Understand

    Today during a financial education seminar that I attended, I was reminded of the 5th habit from Stephen Covey's book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People", which is: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood. Right there, I knew that this principle would be the challenges for these 2 days. In today's challenge I'll be focusing on the first part "Seek First To Understand", and tomorrow (Day 12 Challenge), I'll share about "To Be Understood."

    "The heart has its reasons which reason knows not of." ~ Pascal

    Too many of us (including me of course), "seek first to understand' can be really challenging, because it involves a very deep paradigm shift. We typically seek first to be understood. It's easy for us to project our own experiences onto other people's behaviour. We tend to listen with the intent to reply, rather than to understand.

    In order to seek first to understand, Covey suggested a very important concept called "empathic listening" - which is listening with intent to understand. Empathic (from empathy) listening gets inside another person's frame of reference. You look out through their perspectives, you understand their worldview, their paradigm and how they feel.

    Today I've committed myself to working on really listening to others, seek first to understand through empathic listening through my interactions with people around me. And I'll ask for feedback in a week. Will you join with me in seek first to understand?

    Friday, September 10, 2010

    Day 10 Challenge - Creating An Action Plan

    Jim Rohn once said, “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

    Today I've taken upon myself the challenge to create an action plan and strategies to reach my life goal - to experience the ongoing process of transformation and grow rich in all areas of my life, & help others do the same.

    I want to be a rich woman - rich in spirit, rich in relationships, rich and healthy life experiences, rich mindset supported by financial literacy. This life goal is going to be an ongoing project as I believe that we are all work in progress.

    The following is a list of key strategies & plan of action to achieve this life goal:

    (1) Understand The Goal Thoroughly

    My life goal constitutes various elements: an ongoing process, transformation, growth, all areas of my life (spiritual life, relationships, personal and community development, physical & emotional health, financial freedom), helping others by inspiring, encouraging and facilitating people to do the same.

    (2) Name Obstacles To Address Them

    With this life goal, I do anticipate obstacles that will stand in my way of success. Some of the obstacles include procrastination, distraction, laziness, lack of motivation, courage & skills, discouragement & disappointment. And I am committed to overcoming them in God's strength!

    (3) Make Use of Existing Resources & Develop Skills

    There is a wealth of knowledge and experience around me which I can resource to help me with this life goal. I am blessed to have a number of coaches and mentors who invest their time and resources to help me. I also develop skills in order to achieve specific goals by learning through online training & communities, websites, books, and friends etc.

    (4) Leverage on My Environment

    Our environments have an impact on our lives. In order for me to achieve my life goal, I need to optimise (and modify if necessary) my physical environment, including my office, home, computer, online and offline communities, people that I hang out with, and my routine. Eg: I now look at the vision board that I created in Day 3 Challenge and it helps me focus on my dreams regularly.

    (5) Create Accountability.

    This 30-Day Challenge in September is in fact a form of accountability that I have towards myself. I also have a second level of accountability beyond myself, where I share my results and issues with my friends, family, mentors and coaches - depending on the area of my life. I also join support groups and communities that are related to my goals. At the end of every week (normally on a Sunday night), I spend time on reflecting on the week and occasionally writing on my journal. I find reviewing helpful as a form of accountability and to get feedback on how I'm doing.

    Do you personally have an action plan to achieve your goals? I'd love to hear about them if you do.

    Thursday, September 09, 2010

    Day 9 Challenge - Starting A Blog Network

    I was inspired by a post from Problogger in terms of buildling a blog network, as I realised that like all bloggers, one of my goals in the blogosphere is to engage with readers and bloggers through my articles.

    In this post, Darren Rowse talked about 'blogging alliance' (or 'blogging buddies'), which is a small group of bloggers who’ve committed to work together for the mutual benefit of all members of the alliance. And I find that idea fascinating!

    Inspired by the post on Problogger, the challenge I give myself on Day 9 is to start my own blog network with the following goals in mind:

    *Start a challenge, competition and camaraderie
    *Collaborative cross referencing & promoting
    *Sharing great content by linking to posts from other bloggers
    *Inviting guest posts to broaden and expose readers to other perspectives and topics.
    *Learn from experienced bloggers
    *Serve & help newer bloggers
    *Keep engaging bloggers and readers

    I’m looking forward to starting this network, partnership, collaboration and alliance! :) x

    Wednesday, September 08, 2010

    Day 8 Challenge - 80/20 Rule & Quadrant 2

    According to the Pareto Principle, the 80-20 rule states that, for many events, roughly 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. It is a common rule of thumb: 20% of our inputs lead to 80% of our outputs. This applies to everything around us, including the tasks on our to-do lists. It is often stated that the 80-20 principle is the secret to success in life by achieving more with less.

    We should constantly ask ourselves, what are the tasks that give long-term results & benefits? If you list all your tasks, you’ll find only about 20% of your tasks contribute to 80% of your value output. The 20% high-value tasks reside in the Quadrant 2 of the Time Management Grid, coined by Stephen Covey, the author of "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", which represents things that are important, but not urgent. The activities in Quadrant 2 contribute to achieving the goals and priorities of our life.

    This quote from Stephen Covey sums up how we can best use our time : "I am personally persuaded that the best thinking in the area of time management can be captured in a single phrase : Organize and execute around priorities."

    The action point that I have given myself on day 8 of this 30 Day Challenge is to invest more of my energy in areas that are most important (ie: 20% high value Quadrant 2 activities), including quality time in focussing on tasks which contribute to my goals, dreams, creating long-term plans, building relationships with loved ones, devotional & prayer time, family time, personal relaxation, fun & recreation, and things that have an impact in my life, and making a difference to people.

    Upon reflection, I have also realised that when I’m unconscious of how I spend my time, I tend to spend time on many 80% low value tasks, because they are usually easier to do, and more urgent. However, this are rarely important activities which will make an impact in the long run.

    How much time do you usually spend on each quadrant of the time management grid, 20% high value tasks and 80% low value tasks? Are you willing to commit with me to focus on 20% tasks & Quadrant 2 activities from now on?

    Tuesday, September 07, 2010

    Day 7 Challenge - Achieving An Organised Day

    Time is precious! While the choice is ours in how to spend our day, I am aware that in order for me to achieve our goals and dreams, it is important for me to be organised and create an action plan for short term and long term goals in different parts of my life.

    "A clear vision, backed by definite plans, gives you a tremendous feeling of confidence and personal power."
    ~Brian Tracy

    So on Day 7 of this 30-Day Challenge to a better and richer life, the task that I have given myself as the challenge is to commit to the following steps which will help me achieve an organized day.

    1. Make a To-Do List.
    Make a list of things to do every morning before I start to work. Prioritize every item and consolidate similar tasks.

    2. Don't Get Distracted or Diverted.
    Distraction is a constant challenge for me personally, so I need to be aware of it and keep focussed on my schedule and tasks at hand.

    3. Tick Off Items As I Complete Them.
    Every time when I finish something, I will tick if off in my to-do list. I believe this will give me a sense of accomplishement throughout the day.

    4. Do A Final Check.
    At the end of the day, re-think and re-check my progress, so I can be more organized the next day.

    5. Keep A Personal Journal.
    Engage in regular in-depth analysis and evaluation of my experiences which I think will increase self-awareness and enhance my productivity.

    Can you think of any other steps that help you organise your day?

    Monday, September 06, 2010

    Day 6 Challenge - Life Transformation Now

    I LOVE life transformation, and I'm speechless after watching this video. This is truly beautiful! (watch now)


    I'm excited to see where this goes.

    I'm so happy to see knowledge like this starting to come into my life and networks.

    On Day 6 of the 30-day challenge, I have committed to take ACTION & be part of Life Transformation Now Club. I'm looking forward to learning from the best of the best in internet businesses!

    Sunday, September 05, 2010

    Video Clip - My Story & Testimony

    As I mentioned yesterday during Day 5 of my 30-Day Challenge in September, I've made a decision to share my story as a response to the amazing Tamara Lowe's 6-Minute Challenge on her facebook post. Below is the result of that action point where I put together a video clip of my story:

    Saturday, September 04, 2010

    Day 5 Challenge - Video Challenge

    First of all, let me introduce you to Tamara Lowe today. Tamara is a motivational speaker who runs events and seminars all over the world.

    Her GET MOTIVATED Seminar is an action-packed, fun-filled, explosive, exciting, inspiring, skill-building business event that is world famous for its mega-watt superstar speakers and spectacular stage production.

    Have a look at an awesome motivational rap from Tamara here:

    Recently, Tamara threw a 6-Minute Challenge for her facebook friends to share their story on a video clip. So on day 5 of my 30-day challenge, I've started to put together a video clip of my story. I'll post it here tomorrow, so stay tuned......

    Day 4 Challenge - Transformational Strategy

    My mentor shared with me, "experiences create our realities, knowing this make sure you experience what you want and thus the reality you desire..... foresight really is better than hindsight."

    Visual imagery is very important when it comes to goal setting, and it's good to choose our memories in advance, that's why it's advisable for us to create a vision & dream board (I shared my vision board on day 3 of my 30-day challenge above).

    When people are living transformation, the focus is more inclusive, and their well-being is in relationship with others. Interpersonal interests prevail. Our common humanity become the prominent values in life. Who I am and who you are, and who we are as human beings at a much deeper level become important. Our desire is connection, communication, networking and living, rather than separation and survival.

    Today's action task saw me reflecting, brainstorming & listing key points to life's major areas, which will both help myself and others as I seek to inspire, encourage & facilitate people to transformation.

    (1) Spiritual Life - Friendship with God (Being Aware of God's Presence, Practising Constant Conversation with God, Meditating on God's Word), Life Purpose & Destiny, True Joy, Peace of Mind, Freedom From Fear, Attitude of Gratitude, Spiritual Growth

    (2) Relationships - Relationship Matters, Long Lasting Relationships, Communication & Connection, Listen - Really Listen, Showing Love, Realistic Expectations, Commitment Is the Key

    (3) Personal Development - Dare to Dream, The Power of a Good Plan, Association and Influence, Life-changing Education, Living an Abundant Life, Making the Decision, It is A Marathon, Not A Sprint.

    (4) Health - Spiritual Health, Physical Health - Nutrition & Exercise, Emotional Health - Mind & Will, Psychological Health, Mental Health

    (5) Finances - Budget, Getting out of debt, Saving, Leverage, Investing, Spending, Giving

    In the coming days and weeks, I'll give myself specific tasks for these areas. Stayed tuned......

    Friday, September 03, 2010

    Day 3 Challenge - Vision & Dream Board

    Today I took some time out to do the task I set for myself on Day 3 of the 30-day Challenge in September to reach a better & richer life - to put together an online vision board!

    Seeing the dreams and goals in front of my own eyes is a real motivator and helps bring them to life even more! It makes them seem more easily attainable and helps to remove the mental block that might be there with some dreams. Hope you enjoy my vision board.

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    What are some images of your dreams? I'd love to hear from you! :) x

    Wednesday, September 01, 2010

    Day 2 Challenge - An Ideal & Transformed Life

    As I shared yesterday (the first day of the 30 day challenge) each day of September, I am going to give myself a task and an action point to do in order to achieve the goal I have set for myself to live a better and richer life.

    On this second day of September, the task I have given myself to do is to reflect, list and share a bit about what I envision my ideal and transformed life would look like, bear in mind that transformation is an ongoing & progressive journey. Transformation is like a metamorphosis. Like a caterpillar to a butterfly, our values, our way of thinking, our actions, our total operating system is taking on a new life. It is also about empowerment – experiencing and sharing triumphs and challenges.

    When I imagine my ideal & transformed life, I ask myself the following questions:
    What makes life worth living?
    What is so important that it is absolutely essential for an ideal life?

    If time and money were not an issue, what would I like to see, have, do, become, contribute?

    The answers to these questions point to my key elements — the fundamental drivers for everything that I do.

    Imagination. Dreams. Passion. Ideals. Possibilities.

    Here goes:
    *A fulfilled, purposeful, meaningful, significant and balanced life
    *Awesome marriage, friendship and relationships
    *Success in business and financial freedom
    *Tip top health & wellness in all areas of life
    *Stand on the bank of the pathway to purpose
    *Create my own online interactive learning environment that will make a huge difference to people's lives
    *Travel the world, in particular see the 7 wonders (Machu Picchu in Peru, Grand Canyon in USA, Galapagos Islands in Ecuador, Serengeti in Tanzania, Taj Mahal in India, Pyramids of Giza in Egypt) :)
    *Contribute to causes I believe in - in particular in the arts, education, ministry and mission endeavours
    *Help people fulfil their God given dream, destiny and purpose.

    What does your ideal & transformed life look like?