Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Day 29 Challenge - Move Ahead With Bold Faith

In more than one ways, I am in transition right now. There comes a point when I simply must "go for it." This is a point beyond commitment, a point past making a firm decision to move forward. At this juncture, it feels like taking a bold step of faith is more challenging than ever!

Hence my challenge today (the second last day of this 30-day Challenge of a better and richer life) is to move ahead with bold faith. I am committing to putting action to my faith, and believing that I am walking into a place of destiny where I have never been before. I am going to another level, and to get there, I am required to develop and exercise greater faith than ever before. We usually think of faith as abstract, something we cannot see, but I am challenged today to remove these thoughts and develop a new mindset toward faith. 

I believe that as I move to the next level, I will begin to embrace and embark on things I considered impossible before. That is where the miracle begins! Peter saw Jesus walk on water, so he walked on water too. 

"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." (Hebrews 11:1)

I'm willing to take that bold step of faith and do whatever it takes to walk into my destiny. Move on and Move up!


Unknown said...

Guess you are feeling a little like the Priests heading into the land of promise, they could see it AND they could see the river between. The story to finish needed them to step into that river.
A good post Kitty especially as when I started reading it I was listening to "God Will Find A Way". Take it as your mantra perhaps.

Kitty said...

Hi Bj,
You're right. The promise land seems to be in view. Love the song "God Will Make A Way" - and yes I'll take it as my mantra.
Kitty x

Anonymous said...

yes, with faith comes action too, the step forward as if what you considered impossible was actually possible and action was in that direction.

Christopher Grissom said...

I can totally relate to this post. And I love what BJ referred it to...that was real challenging faith when the priests had to step down into the Jordan river with the Ark on their shoulders. That would have been nerve wrecking lol...would be afraid of dropping the Ark.